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Why it’s Cheaper to Call Uber than Driving Drunk

May 19, 2020

Cheaper to Take an UBER Than to Drive Drunk in Austin

So you’ve had a blast at a party last night, had one too many shots then drove yourself home. It could have ended well but it didn’t. Next thing you know, an officer is apprehending you and shoving a breath analyzer in your mouth. That’s probably the best scenario you could hope for in such circumstances. At worst, someone could end up heavily injured or even dead. Either way, driving yourself while intoxicated is probably not the best idea you’ll ever have. 

Driving while intoxicated is one of the most common causes of road accidents in the country. What constitutes “being intoxicated”, however, depends on a person’s body weight, age, the amount of alcohol intake and even gender. Generally, the authorities use your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level to ascertain your level of intoxication. People who are 21 years and older can be considered legally drunk when their BAC exceeds 0.08%. Commercial drivers are regarded as too intoxicated to drive when their BAC is over 0.04% while those who are younger than 21 can be charged a DWI for any detectable amount of alcohol. A device called a breath analyzer is commonly used to measure BAC but some states would also require a blood and urine test.
In Texas, a charge of driving while intoxicated, especially if it’s a repeated offense, could land you 10 years of jail time, revocation of license and up to $10,000 fine. On top of that, you can also be charged with child endangerment if you have passengers who are below 15 years old. First time offenders might have to stay in jail up to 180 days and a fine of $2,000. A second offense could have you behind bars for up to a year and a $4,000 penalty. Intoxication assault or causing serious physical injury to someone while intoxicated is a 3rd degree felony. Intoxication manslaughter, on the other hand, which involves killing someone while driving inebriated is categorized as a 2nd degree felony. Serious DWI crimes like these results in longer jail time and higher penalties than most misdemeanor cases.

Apart from ingesting alcohol, a DWI charge can also be filed against you if you are found with an open bottle of alcoholic liquor in the passenger seat of your car either while driving or parked in a public place. The term “driving” is also not just limited to land-based vehicles but also sea-based ones. So, you can still be arrested if you’re steering your yacht’s wheel while intoxicated. 

With all these possibilities, the Texas Department of Transportation strongly recommends (and we heartily agree) never to drink and drive. Designate a driver, spend the night wherever you are if possible or just call an Uber. A $30 Uber ride home is undoubtedly much cheaper than spending thousands of dollars on DWI fine. It might also save a life.
If by chance you’ve read this post too late and you or a loved one is facing a DWI charge, our team of experienced criminal lawyers can help you or your loved one get out of jail in less than 24 hours at an affordable price. 

Contact us now to find out more.
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